Company Overview
The HUSH Hat is a sound absorbing baby hat that helps your baby sleep longer and be more comfortable when awake by softening noisy sounds.
Babies need to sleep to be healthy and parents need babies to sleep for their own mental health. In today's world, life is noisy. Video games, kitchen appliances, even baby toys can often exceed the sound levels that are healthy for babys' ears. The HUSH Hat filters out these startling sounds so that babies can sleep longer and wake happier. Parents report that babies sleep 2-3 times longer wearing The HUSH Hat.
But it doesn't stop there. Activities where sounds can overstimulate a baby include family gatherings, noisy restaurants, sporting events, outdoor concerts, theme parks, air travel, even running errands. The HUSH Hat is comfortable enough to wear everyday and it softens the sounds of our noisy lives.
Finally, many parents are unaware that everyday sounds can actually harm a baby's hearing. Information from The Children’s Hearing Institute revealed the following:
Noise over 85 decibels is hazardous to your child’s hearing. The Institutes Recommends avoiding noise over 80 decibels.
Common sources of noise to which babies are exposed include:
Ambulance sirens- 120 db Motorcycles, firecrackers-120-140 db Noisy toys- 90 db Restaurants- 80-90 db
Alarm clocks, city street traffic - 80 db Vacuum Cleaners- 70 db
The HUSH Hat will limit the upper end, potentially damaging impact of these every day sounds.
The HUSH Hat utilizes a soft, medical grade foam that has been vigorously tested by Owens Corning Labs to ensure that the product will perform as marketed. From the inception of thecompany, the only customer returns have been due to sizing issues. None have been returned because they don't work!
Parents report that babys sleep much longer when wearing The HUSH Hat and that they are able to participate in more activities with their babies because of The HUSH Hat.