Funding Data

Crowdfunding Statistics

Since 2005, EquityNet has garnered five patents and grown into the leading business funding platform, with more than 200,000 users and $600 million in funding to date. Since 2007, we’ve been internally tracking crowdfunding statistics data that gives unique perspectives into the crowdfunding ecosystem and business funding environment more generally.

From financial metrics such as average funding goals, pre-money valuations, and revenues, to market insights like growth rates and company sizes, we have made these insights freely available.

Funding Goal
Pre-Money Valuation
Investor Equity
Prior Year Revenue
Current Year Revenue
Revenue Growth Rate
Market Size
Market Growth Rate
Age of Company
Number of Employees
Data Representation

Crowdfunding Raises on the Rise

In 2021, the average crowdfunding goal was more than $2.5 million.

The average funding goal increase for crowdfunding campaigns from 2007 to 2021.

Valuation Increases Have Outpaced Funding Goal Growth

The average funding goal isn’t the only metric to experience double-digit percentage growth, in fact, the average business valuations have exceeded the 22% funding goal benchmark with an increase of 30% across the board between 2007 and 2021.

In 2007, the average pre-money valuation was slightly higher than $4.8 million and although the great recession brought that number closer to $4 million by 2011, the average pre-money valuation in 2021 was more than $8 million.

average pre-money valuation chart

The Average Company Raising Crowdfunding is 6 Years Old

Crowdfunding is no longer prevailed by pre-product, pre-revenue, or pre-profitability ideas. Established businesses are taking advantage of the ability to access public market investors while remaining a private company.

  • The average company has more than 10 employees.
  • The average company raising crowdfunding has been in business longer than 6 years.
  • The youngest companies are typically in the media and entertainment industry.
  • The oldest companies on average are in the electronics and instrumentation industry.

This makes sense because electronics and instrumentation is capital and time intensive. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the average software company was above the overall average age clocking in at nearly 6 ½ years old.

average age of company by industry chart

If you want even more insights from EquityNet’s crowdfunding statistics, we’ve compiled an infographic about the state of crowdfunding below:

infographic crowdfunding in 2012