Company Overview
Avro has developed an end-to-end solution to convert stranded natural gas, flared gas, and uneconomical natural gas to higher value products. While there are numerous markets for Methanol, the lowest hanging market opportunity is with diesel manufacturers, fuel aggregaters and distributors who are more price sensitive and are looking for reliable supply source. Large scale future value added opportunities exist in pending partnerships to produce and market low carbon heating fuels and clean distributed power generation. Our operations are small and nimble with modular capitalization and quick (3-6 month) deployments. Each production plant is secured with a long-term gas supply (feedstock) contract and the Methanol or Ethanol is pre-sold with long-term off-take agreement(s) so risk is mitigated. This creates a uniquely scalable business model with global expandability. Our initial focus is methanol yet many spin-off opportunities now become possible. A new application has recently arisen regarding the opportunity to capture and sequester co2 as synthetic Ethanol. Carbon capture and recycling (CCR) benefits from all the advantages of Carbon capture and sequestration in terms of reducing carbon dioxide emissions while also avoiding the drawbacks of Co2 storage at enormous costs. By treating carbon dioxide as a resource, CCR strategies seek to produce useful products that can be sold to recover the costs of capture and conversion. Where CCS would depend indefinitely on subsidization to be economically practical, CCR offers the possibility of being financially self sufficient and profitable. The company has negotiated conditional offers for commercial loans of $10,000,000 to $25,000,000 upon raising the required equity which will act as the loan to value component utilizing gas reserves lending applied against undervalued idled gas or end-of life gas wells.