Below is an article by Latina Lista entitled “Equity crowdfunding takes donating to whole new level for Latinos”
Equity crowdfunding takes donating to whole new level for Latinos
By: Latina Lista
Sep 2, 2014
When crowdfunding first arrived in cyberspace about eight years ago, most people saw it as another incarnation of the popular “Pay It Forward” movement.
Ordinary people pledging their own money to help out an entrepreneur, assist in developing the next smart-tech invention or support a good cause and actually get something in return, either in the form of the product itself or that good feeling that comes with helping others. According to an article in CrowdFund Beat, the United States now leads the world in hosting the largest crowdfunding platforms and raising the most money.
That’s welcome news for small businesses. Raising capital through crowdfunding campaigns has become an easier way to grow businesses for many entrepreneurs, especially minority entrepreneurs, than qualifying for a loan from their neighborhood banks or receiving money from venture capitalists or angel investors.
Crowdfunding is now seen in financial circles as being the “great equalizer” when it comes to minority and women-owned businesses receiving financial investment.
“Historically, many people who obtained (investment) funding came from wealthy families and had wealthy connections,” said Judd Hollas, CEO of EquityNet, an equity crowdfunding platform. “White males typically had preferential networks to aid them in their fundraising efforts. Minorities who have come from less advantaged financial backgrounds have had much more difficulty funding their businesses.
“Now, crowdfunding has opened the door to everyone who has a computer, a great idea, and a solid work ethic. Anyone can reach out to investors to obtain funding for their businesses. Everyone has equal footing.”